April 19, 2011

I tell you what it is on my mind. I only want to be in your record collection.

Today for Top Two Tuesday with The Undomectic Momma it's Top Two Things you collect!

1. Key Chainsvia
When I was younger, I used to collect key chains. Everywhere we went, I would pick one up and when friends travelled they always brought one back for me. I think I had close to 500 when I stopped collecting them. I'm pretty sure they are still in the back on my closet somewhere haha

2.Pandas via
My nickname since I was a baby is "Panda" so I've been collecting panda stuff all my life. I have shirts, books, greeting cards-pretty much anything with a panda on it I have. But the part of my collection that takes up the most room is definitely the stuffed panda bears! I have soooo many- some are super tiny and some are so big they are almost body pillows! They are all still taking up room in my old bedroom at my parents lol

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!


black tag diaries said...

that's funny about the pandas! but i mean, who can resist a big cuddly panda bear??

star said...

I actually love polar bears! The Coke polar bears are my fave!!

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