July 24, 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Today marks the end of my first week gluten free.

And believe me, when I started it really did feel like the end of the world haha

Let me first say, that karma is a b*tch. When we started making gluten free pastries at the bakery, to say I wasn't on the bandwagon would be an understatement. But now, I'm most definitely eating my words.

For the past six-ish months, I haven't really been feeling like myself-tired, out of it, and oh lord, the stomach pains. It's gotten really bad over the past 4-6 weeks, and after ruling out some other food allergies, and talking with my mom, I decided to try going gluten free.

The second day I decided to try eating out and ended up regretting it big time. The pain woke me from a dead sleep which was no fun and led to a major minor freak out and me going to my parents at 1 in the morning. No fun at all. Plus, I was such a wreck the next morning I totally forgot to bring some food for work and when I realized I was hungry, I realized just how much gluten there is at the bakery haha

So after that lovely experience, I haven't really wanted to even try to eat any, for fear the same thing will happen. SO for now, I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies. Luckily, my favorite greek yogurt is still ok and Chex are gluten free as well. I've found a few gluten free meals and stuff, of which I tried one which was surprisingly not bad.

I will be going to see my doctor soon (she just had a baby, so I have an appointment the week she gets back from maternity leave) but I felt like I had to do something to make myself feel better, and so far, this is working. My stomach feels infinitely better, and even though I'm still a little tired, I'm going to credit that to 5:30am wake ups.


Unknown said...

here from comment love day because you were the comment above mine! I am so glad I did, I am following you now!!! My daughter and I just started doing gluten free, YESTERDAY!!!! I may need support! LOL

Patrice said...

I'm glad your diet change is making a difference...

Alyssa said...

Going gluten-free is tough. I had been feeling pretty awful when mid-May I decided to take the plunge. Headaches, stomach pain, and other effects of gluten have pretty much disappeared. It has changed my life. Keep up with it. You'll be introduced to a lot of excellent and new food this way. I am following you now. :)

Amanda said...

I couldn't even imagine making such a big change to my diet! good luck with it all :)

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