June 10, 2012

You're not that social, just a good drinker

I saw this on a few other blogs and I though it looked like fun so...I'm gonna try it out!

How did you come up with your blog name? 
 The title of my blog is actually a song lyric that I really like. I've just been drawn to it since I heard the song for the first time and it's a good reminder to be grateful :-)
Here's a bad video of the song, in case you're curious...

What is your favorite thing about blogging? 
Honestly, I love being able to look back on my life. That's why I keep doing it-so I have a digital scrapbook of everything.

What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now cant live without?
Does Pinterest count? lol I seriously don't know what I do without all the great ideas on there. I get so many recipes and gift ideas and maybe one day, I'll actually attempt one of the DIY's I've pinned...maybe haha

Facebook or Twitter? and why? 
Twitter for sure! I stopped using Facebook a while back because of some drama and never really got back into it. But I love love love Twitter-its so much easier to talk to people and interact! (Psssttt...follow me!)

If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be? 
Oh lord, I have no idea!

What is something you want people to know about your blog? 
That there's really no focus-it's kinda random and all over the place, but that's how I am too... so if you can follow along, then I think we'll get along just fine :-)


Breanna said...

I found your blog through the Sunday Social and I am now following along! I love it :) I am also following you on Twitter! :)


Katie said...

Yes Pinterest!! I still find it weird that people who aren't bloggers are on pinterest. Ha.

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