February 3, 2013

Ice skating at night

Since the holidays are over (and yes, I realize it was the end of January, but things around here are finally settling down lol) our weekends are pretty much open to do whatever we want and last weekend we took full advantage of that!

First we stopped by Miller's for lunch...


and I kid you not, the burgers were basically the same size are M's head. I couldn't get a picture because she tore into before I even got a chance. Girl was hungry!

After that, we stopped by some friends house to catch up a little bit and ended up playing some Just Dance.

I got my butt kicked lol

A few weeks ago, we found M a pair of basically brand new ice skates for less than $5 and she has been begging to use them ever since. So, we went to a skating rink the next town over for open skate.

It started off like this...

But eventually, she got the hang of it and had a blast! I hadn't been skating in years and I definitely forgot how fun it was. I also forgot how much my thighs and ankles hurt the next day lol

Aren't they cute?

February 2, 2013

I remember the first day

It's true.

And now, we are off to go celebrate that moment!

January 18, 2013

Got me doin' the dishes

Have you guys heard of Influenster? Basically, you sign up, fill out a few questions and then they send you stuff to review and try out! It's super simple and I've gotten some really great stuff to try out.

The last shipment I received was full of Palmolive Fresh Infusions dish soap. I was super excited about it because I get really tired of the same old scents of dish soap - they really don't smell that good and considering I feel like I'm always doing dishes, the scent gets real old, real quick.

I use Palmolive usually anyway, so I'm pretty familiar with the brand, but have yet to see this line of products. The three I was sent were Lemon Thyme, Lime Basil and White Tea Ginger. I gave the Lemon Thyme to my mother to let her try and kept the others - they all smelled so good, it was hard to part with them! There was also a few coupons so I gave a a couple to my mom, as well. I kept the others in case I want to rebuy after I run out.

I've been using the White Tea Ginger for a few days and so far, so good! I'm going to keep testing them out and see how they work on my toughest dishes!

*The products mentioned in this post were provided for review by Influenster, but the opinions are my own

January 16, 2013

Electric blue for me

Me untangling about 5 ft of wire and wrapping it around a spool while Jimmy reads the directions and puts parts together for her electricity science kit. His daughter? She was coloring haha

Why do the parents always end up with the hard fun parts? haha

I'm linking up with Mrs. Three in Three for Wordless-ish Wednesday!

January 14, 2013

To greet every new day that may come, like the first of spring

Kind of amazing that just a few weeks ago, we were sledding...

And this weekend, we hit almost 60. In January. In Michigan.

But we're definitely not complaining!

It's supposed to snow again soon, so while we had the chance, we took advantage of the warmer temperatures and enjoyed the playground by our place.

It was nice to get out of the house for a while and take in some spring weather!

Now, it has me excited for *actual* spring!

January 13, 2013

Man, that girl sure loves to fish

Jimmy's daughter has been asking for a pet for a while and since we're not allowed to have dogs, and we're not really cat people, we decided a fish would be a good starting point for the time being. For Christmas, I cleaned up my fish tanks that I had in high school and we told her we would go to pick some fish out.

The bigger tank is taking a little more set up than anticipated (apparently, there's a lot more that goes into these things than I realized...Jimmy doesn't believe that my fish lasted multiple years lol) but I had a smaller bowl that held my beta so while we are working on the bigger one, we filled the smaller one.

So, without further ado, I introduce to you...

Brian the Beta.

She seems pretty in to him so far...hopefully that lasts! haha

January 12, 2013

We going coast to coast

Have you all seen this yet? 
Shane at Whispering Sweet Nothings has a Bloggers Coast to Coast map up so you can find other bloggers in your area!
Isn't that awesome!?!?!

Go add yourself to the map and link up!

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